
“SpaceGallery” Image Gallery Team November 15, 2010
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This is a Gallery Script that allows animating images in a slider with perspective effect. The plug-in has one image navigation preset only, but it is very useful if you have lots of images. Please, check this link for gallery installation and configuration tutorials.

In order to make the script work, the index-#.html file with a gallery should contain these lines of HTML code:

Initialization script is placed to a separate script.js file:

The script initializes the gallery handler

tag with #myGallery id. All the gallery images  are hidden using .css file, so we show them applying .show() method after loading the gallery:

Below you can see general HTML script representation:

All the images are placed to a

tag with #myGallery id and .spacegallery class.

You can find script related stylesheet in the main style.css file.

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